Jasper County Community Unit 1 Schools provide and maintain appropriate and effective educational programs in order to allow every eligible child with a disability between the ages of 3 and 21 years of age to be enrolled in our district. Our district allows for special education and related services to address the adverse effect of the disability on his/her education. Jasper County schools set a very high goal to provide comprehensive programs of special education that meet and exceed state and federal special education laws for our students.
Special Education
Provision of a Free Appropriate Public Education
Special Education Resources
Special education resources can be found on the resources page
South Eastern Special Education (SESE)
SESE partners with Jasper County Community 1 school district to provide services to special needs students in our district. They provide autism consultation, hearing and vision, occupational therapy, physical therapy, school psychological services, school social work services, and speech/language pathologists (provide services in SESE operated classrooms).
Pre-School Screening
Free developmental screenings for children ages birth through five are tentatively scheduled for May 15-17, 2024. Children will receive screenings for developmental readiness skills (pre-academics, motor, and communication). Information will be available to parents to make an appointment at a later date.

Destruction of Special Education Records
The Jasper County Community Unit #1 Special Needs Department will, on or after July 1, 2024, destroy special education temporary records in its possession of those individuals:
-Graduated in the school year of 2018-2019.
-Any records of individuals graduated earlier not previously destroyed.
Any individual who may have records included in the previously mentioned groups may contact the Jasper County Community Unit #1 Special Needs Office at 618-783-3651 to claim his/her records prior to July 1, 2024.